posted by Mario Vanhoucke
on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 11:31
Since a few weeks, the book "Project Management with dynamic scheduling: baseline scheduling, risk analysis and project control" written by Mario Vanhoucke is published by Springer. The content of the book can be summarized in five main parts:
Project scheduling without resources: The use of CPM and PERT techniques as well as schedule risk analysis.
Project scheduling with resources: A description of various resource-constrained project scheduling algorithms and critical chain/buffer management topics.
Project control: An extensive overview of Earned Value Management and all its extentions.
Scheduling with software: A reference to the third release of our ProTrack software tool was one of the main drivers to write this book.
Conclusions: Overall conclusions are drawn and future research paths are highlighted. Stuff for a next book? Who knows?
More information on the book can be found at or can be downloaded here.