Logical constraints for projects

New publication:

A new solution approach to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with logical constraints

In our most recent publication in the European Journal of Operational Research, a novel model to schedule project with limited resources has been presented using logical constraints. These so-called OR and BI constraints add additional features to the traditional AND constraints to make the project network more realistic.

Abstract: This paper presents a new solution approach to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem in the presence of three types of logical constraints. Apart from the traditional AND constraints with minimal time-lags, these precedences are extended to OR constraints and bidirectional (BI) relations. These logical constraints extend the set of relations between pairs of activities and make the RCPSP definition somewhat different from the traditional RCPSP research topics in literature. It is known that the RCPSP with AND constraints, and hence its extension to OR and BI constraints, is NP-hard. The new algorithm consists of a set of network transformation rules that removes the OR and BI logical constraints to transform them into AND constraints and hereby extends the set of activities to maintain the original logic. A satisfiability (SAT) solver is used to guarantee the original precedence logic and is embedded in a metaheuristic search to resource feasible schedules that respect both the limited renewable resource availability as well as the precedence logic. Computational results on two well-known datasets from literature show that the algorithm can compete with the multi-mode algorithms from literature when no logical constraints are taken into account. When the logical constraints are taken into account, the algorithm can report major reductions in the project makespan for most of the instances within a reasonable time.

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Cite as: Vanhoucke, M. and Coelho, J., 2016, "A new solution approach to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with logical constraints", European Journal of Operational Research, 249(2), 577–591 (doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.08.044).