On Saturday, 21/09/2013, there were a lot of awards in the graduation room. While the Arcelor Mittal Award was given to the best thesis on Operations Research and Project Management to Pieter and Kenny, I had also the privilige to hand over the Dexia Asset Management award to the best student of the past five years. "Best" is here defined as the highest overall cumulative score on all the exams in the three Bachelor and two Master years.
And the winner is... Matthias Lelie. Matthias has received this award for his hard work, from the very beginning (when he was only 18/19) till the end at the final graduation ceremony. Having the cumulative highest score on all the exams means that you are the "winner" of the 5 years track. It is not that we consider the Commercial Engineering program as a contest, and we are obviously equally proud on all the other students who have participated in the program and have improved their and our knowledge thanks to our critical discussions, interesting lectures and groupwork and ... yeah... exams. But there can only be one that receives the Dexia Asset Management Award, and therefore we need a simple yet straightforward calculation: take the sum of all the marks on the exam. We are engineers after all.
However, Matthias did more than only answering exam questions correctly. I know Matthias personnaly as member of the curriculum committee that is involved in the adaptation and improvement of the Commercial Engineering courses and program. His active contribution and critical view on the program have undoubtedly made the program as excellent as it is now. Thank you Matthias. Well deserved. Congratulations!
(Left: Matthias Lelie; Right: Mario Vanhoucke)