Since 01/01/2013, Laura Willems has joined our OR&S group for a period of 4 years to carry out high quality (hopefully :-)) research in Operations Research, with a focus on Project Management, including Risk Management and Project Control, and the development of integrative and novel tools and techniques.
Laura graduated at the Faculty of Economics at KULeuven and has made her master thesis in an "Operations Research" related topic with the title (in Dutch): "Filevorming aan intersecties – Impact van design op verkeerscongestie". From today on, she will be part of the team of the project with the title: "Searching for static and dynamic project drivers to predict and control the impact of management/contingency reserve on a project’s success". No doubt that she will soon be a heavy and enthusiastic P2 Engine user!
We would like to welcome Laura and we hope that you will hear from her very soon, through the academic papers, the international conferences, the extensions shown in future releases of ProTrack, and much more. More information on the research projects can be found here. A list of our researchers in the OR&S group can be found here.