Data in project management

New publication:

On the use of empirical or artificial project data

In our most recent publication in the The Measurable News, a summary on the use of artificial and empirical project data is given. The paper is a summary of work done at the Operations Research and Scheduling group and more information can be found in more academic oriented papers.

Abstract: This paper gives a brief overview of the artificial and empirical project data generated and collected by the researchers from the Operations Research and Scheduling (OR&S) group from Ghent University in Belgium. Artificial data are generated by project network generators under a strict design to control both the network structure and the resource constraints, while the empirical project data are collected over a time horizon of multiple years, using a standardized collection and classification method. All data are publicly available on the OR&S website (www.projectmanagement.ugent. be/research/data) and can be used anywhere for academic purposes. More detailed information on the network and resource parameters used to generate the artificial data and the classification process for the collection of empirical data is available in a paper published in the Journal of Modern Project Management (Vanhoucke et al., 2016).

Click on the picture to download the PDF from the journal website

Cite as: Vanhoucke, M., 2016, "On the use of empirical or artificial project data", The Measurable News, 2, 25–29.
