Welcome to EVM Europe 2013

Welcome to EVM Europe 2013

Time flies when you’re having fun…
In 2008, on a dinner after one of the London workshops that we all regularly visited, two Belgian people, one Australian and three people from Switzerland had a discussion on a new endeavor to bring researchers closer to practitioners1. Although no one was really serious that evening, it quickly led to the idea of creating an association that organizes a yearly conference on integrated project management and control. And now in 2013, we have already our fifth edition of EVM Europe. Indeed, time flies when you’re having fun…
The fifth edition of the annual EVM Europe conference is organized in 2013 by Ghent University and Vlerick Business School. The yearly EVM Europe conferences offer an outlet for practitioners and academic researchers to share their experience and knowledge with colleagues from the project management field. Just like every year, EVM Europe 2013 will propose a balanced combination of technical presentations, trainings and academic and innovative contributions.  
But this year, there is more!
Five years of hard work. Five years of loyal speakers and attendees. Five years of “research meets practice”. Two times five years (i.e. 10 years) of Earned Schedule. We have something to celebrate!
As always, the EVM Europe 2013 conference will be constituted of technical and selected presentations as well as invited presentations made by deemed practitioners and researchers working on Project Management and Control. But this year, the academic track will also consist of Master and PhD students presenting their work to the audience. Their presentations will contain award-winning work (ArcelorMittal Award) as well as PhD work for the “more than a million euro” research project funded by Ghent University, and therefore, we have renamed the academic track as “Novel Ideas”. The practitioner track will contain “Best Practices” from professionals from the field, including three keynote presentations and a celebration ceremony for our father of Earned Schedule.
This booklet contains all accepted abstracts submitted as well as other relevant information. The EVM Europe 2013 edition builds further on the success of the previous editions held in Geneva (Switzerland), Ghent (Belgium), Valencia (Spain) and Twente (The Netherlands) and is the result of a close collaboration between the international organizing committee and the local committee of the Ghent University. 
We would like to warmly welcome our participants, speakers and sponsors to this edition of the EVM Europe conference. We hope that you will have two stimulating and inspiring days during the different presentations, during the talks with all your colleagues and during our evening dinner at the “Allegro Moderato” restaurant in the historic centre of Ghent. 
Welcome to Ghent at the Conference venue “Het Pand” for an interesting two-day event on “Integrated Project Management and Control”! 
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Mario Vanhoucke
1If you are curious who these people were, download the free book “The Art of Project Management”.